Post Operative Advice

Post Operative Advice

After any operation, we advise all our patients accordingly in order to optimise a full and satisfactory recovery.

The following points are given to all patients before they go home-

– Make arrangements for a responsible person to take you home and for someone to stay with you for your first night at home. Most procedures are carried out under a general anaesthetic and it is really important to have someone with you for 24 hours.

– You may experience discomfort for a couple of weeks and although the hospital will give you painkillers to take home, it is a good idea to have paracetamol at home We do not advise Aspirin, as this may prolong or cause bleeding in the early days. We would expect you to have swelling and possibly some bruising but this should settle within a couple of weeks.

– For the first week you must keep all wounds dry. Everything will heal much quicker and it will help to avoid infection. You will be able to keep fresh by either having a strip wash at the sink, a hand-held shower or using baby wipes. Usually the Nurse will give you the go-ahead to shower/bathe as normal after your visit to the Clinic, approximately one week following surgery.

– Please do not try to remove any of the dressings that have been put on in hospital. If you have any problems then please contact the hospital for advice and if necessary, arrange for an earlier appointment.

– After any operation we recommend rest to aid recovery. However, gentle exercise is good for you to avoid blood clots and combined with regular periods of rest, you will make a speedy recovery. As a general rule, after two weeks you may commence light household duties and by six to eight weeks you may be able to resume most normal activities including the gym.

– You may need to wear a bra following breast surgery or a pressure garment following liposuction. Full details about how long to wear them will be given to you at consultation, before surgery.

For example, following liposuction or a tummy tuck ( abdominoplasty) the garment will be worn for up to 8 weeks but help with the retraction of the skin and worn correctly can make a significant difference to the final outcome.

– Your first return to the Centre will be after seven days. Most stitches are dissolvable so the dressings will be removed and the scars covered with Steristrips. After a further seven days, you can remove the Steristrips and use the Micropore tape given to you. More detailed wound care advice will be given at this appointment.

– You will see your consultant at 3 weeks and 3 months post operatively. At each stage you will be able to discuss any particular queries you have and he can monitor the improvement over this period.

– Depending on the type of job you do and the extent of surgery, you can return to work somewhere between 3 and 4 weeks and 3-6 weeks with driving – However, remember you must feel confident to do an emergency stop.


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