Lower Body Lift

Lower Body Lift

If you are unhappy with your lower body, particularly if you have lost a lot of weight, there is something we can do to help with that. You can have a lower body lift. This targets your mid and lower body.

A lower body lift consists of lifting of the buttocks and a tummy tuck. The abdomen, buttocks and hips are all re-sculptured by removing all excess fat and skin from your midsection.

The perfect candidates for this are patients that have gone through extensive weight loss and need to get rid of the extra skin and also those that want to improve their lower body. The procedure can be done at one time or in multiple sessions, depending on what is best for you.

The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia and there will be a short hospital stay. You should be prepared to be out of work for 3 weeks, although sometimes a person can return to some normal duties after 2 weeks depending on the nature and intensity of your job.

The lower body lift, also known as the Belt Lipectomy, is the best way to enhance the way that your midsection and lower body looks. It is a major procedure and the effects can be life-changing.

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